DICC Account

DICC account is the only account that can be used to access services hosted by DICC. One can request for new account using the Request for Account link located in the DICC official website. Currently, account creation is only opened to the following groups of users:

User GroupDescription
UM Staffs and ResearchersThe UM Staffs and Researchers must provide a valid UM Staff ID in the request form.
UM Students supervised by UM SupervisorThe students must provide a valid UM Student ID, with a supervision letter from their UM supervisor.
Non-UM Students supervised by UM SupervisorThe non-students must provide a valid scanned copy of their Institutional Student ID Card, with a supervision letter from their UM Supervisor.

Non-UM Researchers that are currently having collaboration with UM Researchers

The non-UM Researchers must provide a valid scanned copy of their Institutional Staff ID Card, with a collaboration letter from the UM Collaborator.

We do not have any plan of providing the service to any non-UM researchers without collaboration with UM at the moment. Also, every individual is only entitled to have one DICC account.

Available Services

High Performance Computing (HPC) Service

To access UM HPC service, you will need to first register a DICC account in the official DICC website. Once you receive your DICC account credential via email, you will need to create another HPC service access request in the JIRA service desk (HPC Service Access), in order to access the HPC resources.

Once you have been granted access to the HPC cluster, the following links will be useful for your HPC journey:

  1. Training Materials - These are slides with useful information on how to get started with the HPC cluster. All users are suggested to go through the training materials if not able to participate in the training session.
  2. Request Training - Users with account and HPC access can use the booking system here to request for HPC trainings.
  3. HPC Documentation - The site contain detailed usage information on the HPC cluster, most of the things described in the training slide will be elaborated with more details on the page. Sample submission scripts can be found on the page.
  4. HPC Service Desk - If you have any problem using HPC, please visit our service desk for support. We will not entertain any HPC usage enquiries through email.

If you need support on using the HPC usage, please proceed to the HPC service desk to raise a ticket. DICC do not provide any support via email.

Research Data Management (RDM) Service

UM Research Data Management Service is only available for UM researchers. More information will be announced soon.

Research Data Repository

UM Research Data Repository had been officially launched on 06 June 2023. Link to the repository can be found at researchdata.um.edu.my.

Data Management Platform (DMP)

Coming soon.

DICC Drive Service

DICC Drive Service is a cloud storage service similar to Google Drive and OneDrive hosted in DICC. It is intended to be used by researchers to store data before the research can be published.

UM Drive can be accessed via link at drive.dicc.um.edu.my with an active DICC account.

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